All ABOUT IMprov
As seen in the Wall Street Journal
According to the Harvard Gazette, the study of Improv has many 'real world' benefits
"Improv cultivates many of the soft skills that can be transferred to the work world, like being an engaged and active listener and being able to process information and react. If something comes up unexpectedly, these improvvers are ready to address it.
“[Improv] shows that you can solve problems in real time and come up with solutions,” said IGP member Tucker Flodman ’19. “That’s basically what improv is — going onstage and not knowing what’s going to happen and just feeling confident that you’ve trained yourself to deal with that.” Real the full article HERE.
Developed by Marisa Ryan, in Creative Stage’s exciting All About Improv program, kids learn to think on their feet and get creative as they explore the building blocks of comedy and situational improv. Through a variety of games and drills, students explore "present thought and action" using multiple situations, and build stamina for longer form and multi-character scenes.
Prior experience helps, but is not necessary to participate in this challenging, yet always fun and supportive, class.